Can I submit my manuscript to more than one journal?
We ask the authors to conform to academic journal publication ethics and not submit a paper that has been published or is being considered for  another publication at the same time.

Am I eligible to make a submission?
We welcome submissions created by HKU undergraduate students, including HKU full-time students and exchange students, though exchange students must only submit papers written during their time at HKU. For fresh graduates from HKU, submissions must be made within six months of the author’s graduation.

How many pieces can a person submit for each issue?
Due to intense competition, we allow only two submissions per author.

What academic writing may I submit ?
Papers may come from any discipline in the university, but submission must fall into one of our named categories . Submissions are accepted from the following disciplines: General Linguistics, Philosophy, Art History, Comparative Literature, History, English Linguistics, English Literature, European Studies, American Studies, China Studies, Hong Kong Studies, Translation Studies, Legal Studies, and Education.

The call for academic writing is theme-based. Please refer to the current issue’s academic writing submission guidelines.

What creative writing may I submit?
The call for creative writing varies from issue to issue. Please refer to the current issue’s creative writing submission guidelines.

When will I be informed of the editors decision after I submit my manuscript?
Our associate editors will normally complete the review process and reach a decision within one month of acknowledgement of submission. If the author does not receive a decision within three months, he or she may choose to withdraw the manuscript by notifying the Managing Editor.

Who will review my paper?
Your manuscript will be reviewed by at least one of our editors from the subject of your paper, and as we proceed it will be further reviewed and commented on by an HKU scholar specializing in the related field.

What do I need to do during the editing process?
You may receive editing advice from our editors. If so, please work on your manuscript based on the advice provided, or write up responses to the editors. Advice on editing your manuscript and responding to advice will be communicated from our Managing Editor, on behalf of the editor involved.

How will my paper be published?
Papers are published on our official website only. Papers for the current issue will be published once the editing process is finished. There is no specific deadline – submissions are welcomed throughout the year and will be evaluated on a rolling basis. The Spring issue will be published in March, and the Autumn issue in October.